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How has war throughout the ages shaped Swedish society?

The National Swedish Museums of Military History’s (SFHM) commission is to improve the general public’s knowledge about the Swedish armed forces’ history and about their role in Swedish society’s development. This involves ensuring that everyone who wishes to has the opportunity to learn more about Sweden’s defence force, both in times gone by and in the present. SFHM’s task is also to explain how war affects, and has affected, people and society.


SFHM runs two museums and one museum network. The museums are tasked with collecting, selecting, preserving and exhibiting artefacts from Sweden’s military history. They then bring this history to life through exhibitions and displays with various themes, designed for people of all ages. SFHM’s staff consists largely of curators, education officers and conservators with specialist knowledge about history and how different artefacts should be cared for.

In addition to operating museums, research is another important way to help improve people’s knowledge about Sweden’s military history. With this in mind, SFHM collaborates with universities and colleges and also occasionally publishes books.

SFHM’s Departments

The Army Museum
A museum in Stockholm that recounts Sweden’s history from the 16th century to the present day, with a focus on how people have been affected by war and conflicts.

The Air Force Museum
A museum in Linköping that portrays the development of Swedish military aviation, from the birth of flight to today’s modern fighter jets.

Swedish Military Heritage Secretariat
The SMHA Secretariat provides practical support and grants to a nation-wide network of military history museums.

The Board of Military Traditions (in Swedish only)
A group of experts providing advice about Swedish military traditions, including questions about flags and standards, medals, heraldic weapons and uniform insignias.

General Staff
A joint department for handling managerial and administrative matters.


SFHM is a government agency. Its head office is located in Stockholm, at the Army Museum. Its operations are managed by Director-General Helene Rånlund (contact details below).

Because SFHM is a government agency, the Swedish government controls its activities. It exercises this control through ordinances and appropriation directions.

International Work

SFHM cooperates with many museums and researchers, both in Sweden and around the world. It works especially closely with the other Nordic countries’ military and historical arms museums.


National Swedish Museums of Military History

Corporate Identity Number: 20 21 00 – 0464
Street address: Riddargatan 13, Stockholm, Sweden
Postal address: SFHM, Box 14095, SE-104 41 Stockholm, Sweden
Billing address: Read more here
Phone: +46 (0)8 519 563 10

Helene Rånlund
+46 (0)8–519 563 89